Heads up lady... If you're thinking to start a blog in 2024, you need to read this:


join for $11

Get all your blogging essentials in one place with THE BLOGGING LADIES MEMBERSHIPâ„¢

—5 + blogcourses, Weekly blog coaching, tutorials, templates + more included!

Get the EXACT strategy I used to grow my blog from scratch to making $8-10k per month! 💵

the same old tips and tricks that promise to make your blog hiighly profitable.

But let's cut through the clutter.

I'm here to give you the straight-up, no-nonsense advice that you won't find anywhere else. 

You've probably heard it all before...

Simply Put...

No More Fairy Tales

Let's get one thing clear: those stories about making a fortune overnight with affiliate marketing? They're just not the full picture. Blogging isn't just about raking in cash through someone else's products. It's about creating something of your own, something that screams 'you' from every pixel on the screen.

Your Blog, Your Rules

Forget being told WordPress.org is your only option. That's old school thinking. With Showit, you can create a blog that's not just functional but fabulous – without any tech headaches. Imagine launching a blog that's as professional as you are ambitious, right from the start.

Profits Over Pageviews

It's time to shift focus. Instead of obsessing over how many people clicked on your site, let's concentrate on converting visitors into customers. Your blog should be a sales machine, not a diary lost in the internet abyss. We're talking real profits, not just pennies from ads.

Because nope...

blogging isn't just a hobby or a side hustle that you squeeze into your weekends. 

and It's definitely not about posting random thoughts and hoping someone, somewhere, might stumble upon them.

Blogging is a Business

well, it is if you want to make bigger money than cents in affiliate sales or ads..

And if you want to actually make enough to pay the bills and go on the lavish vacations you think will happen if you use THOSE ^ methods of monetization. *Yikes*

Affiliate marketing and ads can earn you money, but it's no walk in the park...

Expect to grind for years, writing a ton of posts and hustling non-stop to get enough eyes on your blog.

Without massive traffic, those links and ads won't pay off at all.

Heard any of these lies? 

"Affiliate marketing and ads are a fast track to making big bucks with your blog." 

This is misleading. The truth is, earning significant income through affiliate marketing and ads requires attracting a huge audience, which usually takes years of consistent, hard work.

Truth is, most bloggers only see pennies each month using these methods. Does pennies pay the bills? Um... NOPE!

"WordPress.org is the simplest and top platform for all bloggers.

That's not always the case. While WordPress.org is popular, it's not the one-size-fits-all solution. Showit might be the better option for those who prioritize ease of use and want more creative control over their site's design without needing to code.

Straight up? Wordpress.org is extremely difficult to build a highly professional blog website that is structured and designed in a way that compels someone to work with you or buy from you.

Wordpress.org is SO yesterday!

"Don't worry about your website's appearance or branding; content is all that matters."

This is a myth. A strong brand and professional-looking website are crucial. They create the first impression for your readers and can greatly enhance the impact of your content. Good design supports your content and helps build credibility with your audience.

Your blog readers will 10000% judge your blog and your offers by it's cover.

see related...

"If you build it, they will come." Simply starting a blog doesn't guarantee readership. You need to actively promote your content and engage with your audience.

"More content equals more traffic." Not necessarily. Quality trumps quantity. It's better to have fewer, high-quality posts than lots of low-quality content.

"You don't need an email list." An email list is one of the most valuable assets for a blogger. It allows direct communication with your most engaged readers.

"Social media is all you need for promotion." While social media is important, it shouldn't be your only strategy. The best platforms for promotion are Pinterest, Google, and Podcasting.

"Making money from blogging is easy." Monetizing a blog often requires multiple income streams and a solid strategy. It's rarely as simple as it seems.

"All you need is good writing." Good writing is important, but understanding your audience, marketing, and technical know-how are also key components of successful blogging.

"The blogging market is too saturated." There's always room for new voices and perspectives. Finding a niche or unique angle can help you stand out.

"Blogging is dead." Blogging continues to evolve, but it's far from dead. It remains an effective way to share information, build community, and establish authority in a field.










Rethink your blogging strategy.

Arm yourself with the truth.

Educate yourself on what really works.

Make a plan to take action.

Here's the champagne...(tea?)

1. You have to set up your blog the RIGHT way - an amazing brand, a website design that is built for YOU to get real money results, and copywriting that compels your readers to take the desired actions. 

2. You have to fill in your knowledge gaps and you won't find the missing pieces from free information online. 

3. You have to create and sell your OWN offers like digital products and services if you want to make big money... and I'm talking about money that ACTUALLY pays bills and allows you a financial free life. 

4. To truly grow and monetize your blog, it's essential to take the correct actions and execute your strategies effectively. Without proper guidance, you could spend years stumbling through errors, trying to figure out what doesn't work, instead of focusing on what does.

a.k.a. what most blog coaches won't tell you about starting a successful blogging business...

Boss Lady Bloggers Philosophy

No WordPress Headaches


At the heart of our brand, we believe in empowering you to create a unique and powerful online presence. We choose Showit over WordPress because we know how tough it can be to design a standout website that also climbs the ranks on Google. Showit gives us the flexibility and creative freedom to build something truly special.

Boss Lady Bloggers Philosophy

Selling Your Own Offers


We're all about helping you make a significant impact with your business. That's why we encourage selling your own offers rather than settling for small earnings from affiliate marketing and ads. Let's transform your blog into a money-making machine by creating offers so tempting, your readers will be eager to buy.

Boss Lady Bloggers Philosophy

Crafting Irresistible Offers


Together, we'll develop an offer that's impossible to ignore. We want your audience to feel excited and ready to say "heck yes!" to what you have to provide. It's not just about selling; it's about offering value that resonates with your readers and turns them into loyal customers.

Boss Lady Bloggers Philosophy

Building a Boss Level Business


We believe in building a boss level business—one that stands as a legitimate, profitable entity, not just a blog or a side project. We're here to guide you through the journey of creating a business that not only brings in revenue but also reflects your passion and hard work.

Boss Lady Bloggers Philosophy

Quality Learning and Implementation


We stand firm in our belief that the best results come from quality, slow, step-by-step learning and implementation. Rushing through the process can lead to mistakes and setbacks. That's why we focus on doing the work correctly from the start. By taking our time to learn each detail and apply it with care, we ensure that your business is built on a solid foundation for long-term success.

Boss Lady Bloggers Philosophy

No WordPress Headaches


At the heart of our brand, we believe in empowering you to create a unique and powerful online presence. We choose Showit over WordPress because we know how tough it can be to design a standout website that also climbs the ranks on Google. Showit gives us the flexibility and creative freedom to build something truly special.

Boss Lady Bloggers Philosophy



We're all about helping you make a significant impact with your business. That's why we encourage selling your own offers rather than settling for small earnings from affiliate marketing and ads. Let's transform your blog into a money-making machine by creating offers so tempting, your readers will be eager to buy.

Boss Lady Bloggers Philosophy



Together, we'll develop an offer that's impossible to ignore. We want your audience to feel excited and ready to say "heck yes!" to what you have to provide. It's not just about selling; it's about offering value that resonates with your readers and turns them into loyal customers.

Boss Lady Bloggers Philosophy



We believe in building a boss level business—one that stands as a legitimate, profitable entity, not just a blog or a side project. We're here to guide you through the journey of creating a business that not only brings in revenue but also reflects your passion and hard work.

Boss Lady Bloggers Philosophy



We stand firm in our belief that the best results come from quality, slow, step-by-step learning and implementation. Rushing through the process can lead to mistakes and setbacks. That's why we focus on doing the work correctly from the start. We ensure that your business is built on a solid foundation for long-term success.

I used to listen to all those lies...

believe it or not...

My journey to success began when I recognized that real progress wouldn't happen unless I dedicated myself to building an actual business around my blog.

As a blogging coach for nearly eight years, I can honestly say that my path to creating a thriving blog and business wasn't an overnight success. Picture a 19-year-old girl residing in her aunt's basement, having already faced credit ruin, yet fueled by the dream of starting a lifestyle blog instead of going to college.

I wanted to do something different

However, after investing two years of intense effort into my initial blog, I reached a point of surrender. Despite diligently following all the tips and strategies from blogging gurus, I couldn't understand why they weren't yielding results for me. Their promises of "making money blogging with affiliates and ads" seemed elusive. In reality, even though I had successfully grown my blog traffic to over 5000+ pageviews per month using Pinterest, the monetary returns were minimal – mere cents to nothing.

What I want you to take from this story is that trying to make money using affiliates and ads is the SLOW way to make money...

...there's a faster and better way.

I eventually ditched ALL the guru "strategies" and went on a journey of testing out my OWN frameworks. 

and what did I find? 

I needed to treat blogging as an actual business that sells MY OWN offers and this was a pivotal moment in my journey towards making money from it.

Understanding that successful businesses invest in themselves and create their own products and services propelled me to take a significant step. This realization led me to enlist the expertise of my very first blogging coach.

With her guidance, I made the bold decision to let go of my lifestyle blog and stepped into a new journey of creating a new business – Boss Lady Bloggers and I started offering blog coaching services of my own. 

Over a span of three months, we worked tirelessly to reshape and redefine this venture. The result? A substantial achievement of $4000 in earnings.

This transformation marked a turning point for me. By offering my own blogging course, membership, personalized blog coaching, and website design services tailored for lady bloggers, I not only found success but also experienced the profound impact of turning my passion into a thriving business.

Now? I help lady bloggers build profitable blogging businesses the RIGHT way just like I did with blog coaching.

I help them throguh blog coaching step into being the blogging business CEO they want and need to be, share their story, create clear blogging systems they can scale with, and eliminate the fear that threatens to hold them back so that they can generate massive imopact and income.

My blog coaching clients not only have beautifully designed brands and blog websites but ones that are stuctured in a way that guide their perfect target audineces to their products and services.

They create their own digital products like eBooks, planners, templates, courses, memberships, and even start coaching businesses of their own. 

Whatever you desire, we can make it happen for you! 

I need this

160+ members

83+ blog coaching clients 

$6 figures/year generated

Here's a screenshot from my actual business bank account...

and I want nothing more than to show you how to get the same results!


The Blogging Ladies Membershipâ„¢

The Blogging Course Vault, Program, Blog Coaching, and Template Vault all in 1 membership!

5+ blogging courses 

A signature start a blog program 

Weekly Blog Coaching Calls

Templates, Resources, and More!

including step by step tech tutorials for my non-techy ladies

Just a few topics we cover in the Membership

Strategic Business Planning

Standout Website Design & Brand

Irresistible Offer Creation

Bingeable Blog Content

Sales Funnels + Automations

Freebie Creation + Email Marketing

Driving Blog Traffic - SEO, SM, & Pinterest

Affiliate Marketing & Ads

Live Launching + Sales Strategies

Analytics & Data Driven Decisions

Time Management & Systems

Mindset and Limiting Beliefs



vip - 1:1 coaching add on


monthly payment of:

monthly commitment


ONE payment of:

lifetime access

** Get  a monthly 1:1 blog coaching call with Gen.

** Monthly committment of 3 months minimum to see a result. Cancel anytime after 3 months.

Ready to Join? 









I know you lady...

  • You wish you knew the next steps to ACTUALLY start a blog or make more money.

  • You think that turning your blog into a full time job is only something you can dream about.

  • You know you would make more money by building an email list and creating and selling your own offers - but you tried creating and selling something that FLOPPED.

  • Or worse, you have no idea what you could create than anyone would buy

  • You want to grow an audience of people who not only find value in your content, but WANT to buy things from you; and you're tired of a stagnant email list of 15-20 people (...that you're mostly related to...)

  • You know SEO well enough to get around, but it feels like it will take one MILLION years to actually get decent traffic.

You're feeling exactly how I used to feel...

Wait, is this a membership, course or a blog coaching program?

Get access to 5 blogging courses that help you start your blog, get it launched, monetize your blog and make passive income, and increase your blog traffic to thousands!

Glad you asked. It's ALL 3 in 1. You get 5 Courses Inside:

The Blog Accelerator Program

This highly professional and sought out blogging course is a step by step course that teaches you exactly how to start your blog and get it off the ground. We cover all the ground work to start a profitable blogging business the correct way!

Topics that are covered

start your blog

Your blogs name, niche, target audinece, domain, and hosting

Build a stunning authentic brand- color palette, logo, + more

Design a highly professional website that converts 

Write your first blog posts and plan your blog content 


The Blog Design Lab

Learn how to design your DREAM blog website using the Blog Design Lab course. This course will teach you how to effortlessly setup your blogs website in a way that is not only super beautiful but also drives CONVERSIONS like email subscribers and purchases.

Topics that are covered

design your blogs website 

Learn exactly how to use Showit & Wordpress 

How to structure your blogs pages

All the technology behind building a blog website 

+ Website templates already designed for you


The Blog Traffic Lab

The ultimate blog traffic course to help you step-by-step get more eyes on your blog content and digital products. We talk all about how to drive massive blog traffic using 2024 marketing strategies. 

Topics that are covered

grow your blog

Driving blog traffic from Pinterest  with 2024 Pinterest strategies 

How to use SEO to get on the front page of Google (SEO)

How to drive traffic from social media like Instagram 

Other platforms such  as podcasting + more 


The Blog Organization Lab

The ultimate productivity course designed to help you set up systems so that you can effortlessly reach your blog traffic and income goals. This is all about planners, content calendars, digital organization, and all the fun tools that make ur brain tingle. 

Topics that are covered

organize your blog

Notion Mini Course + Notion Templates 

How to Organize Your Blog in Milanote 

Clickup Masterclass and 24+ Clickup Templates

Blogging schedules, workflows, and more


The Blog Monetization Method

The ultimate blog monetization course that will help you make money from your blog right from the start by creating and selling digital products and services. This course will take you step-by-step to create and sell anything you desire to. 

Topics that are covered

make money blogging 

The Blog Monetization Method - Boss Lady Bloggers Signature Framework

Creating an Easy YES offer like memberships, eBooks, courses

Setting up a coaching business & how to get clients 

How to live launch and sell your offer and set them up on sales funnels for passive income


Wait! There's more...


step by step tech tutorials 

workflows + sop's

worksheets, videos, downloads, so much more!

What else do I get inside of the blogging ladies Membership?

module checklists

Each module comes with a checklist of tasks that you need to complete step-by-step. 
This will ensure that you are actually implementing everything I am teaching you so you can make your blog the best it can be!

module workbooks

Each module comes with a workbook to help you brainstorm and develop a clear plan and vision for your blog.
By the time you leave the course- you will have a full blogging and business plan mapped out.

Templates +

No fluff here! 
I have created several templates and spreadsheets for you! From several Canva templates, to content calendars. Done-for-you brand packs, website design templates, and written emails and sales funnels for you!

+ EBooks

Yup-we ain't stopping there!
There are several eBooks inside each module that will give you even MORE information than the course slides! 
Are you WOWed yet?

Have you ever taken a course, we're WOWed by all of the wonderful information- but along the way you started to feel overwhelmed- and hardly remembered what you learned in the beginning? Yeah... I've been there, too... and ya probably never even finished the course, right?.

I created this course in a strategically structured way that will allow you to work through the modules with a clear strategy for taking action and completing all of the advice I share with you!

Steps to Get Results:

3 Simple steps to getting the ultimate blog income and traffic results you want....





Join the membership, commit to your goals

open your emails for next steps

spend 3+ months showing up + taking action 

Join the membership Regular or VIP experience. Commit to your biggest desires and goals for the next 3 months minimum inside.

Gen will be sending you emails with the next steps. All of this is super important information that you will need to move forward.

Spend a minimum of 3 months showing up to the group coaching calls , 1:1 calls, Slack messaging support, and live Q and A's and you will see massive results!

I am so happy that I found her. She has a very sweet personality yet she tells you like it is. She hold you accountable. She has also designed amazing courses that has helped me throughout my journey thus far and is very knowledgeable about the blogging field. 


Join right now! Gen and her team are incredible. I recently became a member of The Blogging Ladies Membership and working with Gen has completely transformed my whole blogging as a business journey. 


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Kind words

Coaching is completely customizable for your blog and business needs. You also get your website designed by Gen. It will look highly professional and stunning and will save you time.


We structured the program to make sure that if you miss calls, you can still make progress in the membership. We ensure to record the coaching calls. However, if you're someone who wants to get the absolute BEST results from this membership, it is highly recommended that you show up to the calls!

what if i miss the calls?

Not needed! If you haven't even started building your blogs website than AWEOSME! I'll show you how to build your blogs website right the FIRST time.

what if i don't have a blog website yet?

This is for ANY blogger who desires to start a blog and sell digital products or services to make LEGIT money in 2024. This is about building an actual business.

is this for lifestyle bloggers?

You should become a PRO member if you would like more high-touch support from Gen herself including Voxer messaging, blog video audits, and feedbacks.

should I become a PRO member?

ABSOLUTELY! This will help you get your blog off the ground step-by-step. We not only focus on starting a blog but the main focus is ensuring that you're building a business that makes money.

Will this help me start a blogging business?




vip - 1:1 coaching add on


monthly payment of:

monthly commitment


ONE payment of:

lifetime access

** Get  a monthly 1:1 blog coaching call with Gen.

** Monthly committment of 3 months minimum to see a result. Cancel anytime after 3 months.

Ready to Join? 


Money Back Guarantee

If you don't end up enjoying the membership, the content, the group calls, the live Q and A sessions, then I will give you your money back within 30 days. But you have to actually show me you put in the work. You have to show up to the calls and put in an effort to see if you actually like it before getting a refund. I am extremely confident to offer a money back guarantee because I truly believe in this membership and the strategies I teach inside. But in order for this to work for you, you need to put in the work to see the results.



Ready to start a highly profitable blogging business in 2024?

join now

let's go!

p.s. where will you be in 6 months if you didn't join today?